Task 7.2: Docker Task

A. Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container
B. Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container
Lets start doing this task.
For starting both the task please make sure you have docker installed.
(If not then first go and install docker)
You can confirm that you have docker installed using this command:
docker --version
Now, we are good to go to launch a container, for launching it we need an Image. I’m using centos image
Command to check the image is there or not:
docker images | grep centos
If you don’t have the image you can pull it from docker hub, command to pull the image is:
docker pull centos:latest
Now, we can list the running container, but for now we haven’t run any container so it will so the empty list
docker ps
Now we will start doing the task:
A. Configuring HTTPD Server on Docker Container
For completing this task we will run a container, I’m giving the name : httpd_server to the container, you can give any name, and the image which we downloaded which is centos:latest
docker run -it --name httpd_server centos:latest
After running this command it will get us to the docker container
Also, from the RHEL if we run docker ps command now, then it will show one container is running with the name httpd_server
Now the configuration will be done in three steps:
- Install the httpd software
- upload the file to the path /var/www/html
- start the services
We will do it one by one
For Installing the httpd software we have to run a command
yum install httpd -y
you can check and confirm whether the software is installed or not by querying using rpm command
rpm -q httpd
The first step is done!!
Now for uploading the file to the path /var/www/html, I’m directly creating a new file there with the name index.html and putting some random content.
cat > /var/www/html/index.htmlHello! Task 7.2-B: To configure httpd server on docker
Small Tip: press ctrl+d to come out from the cat terminal
We can check the content using
cat /var/www/html/index.html
The second step is also done!!
Now for the last step to start the services we can run a command
And to confirm whether the server is started or not we can check the active port no, by default httpd server works on port 80
netstat -tnlp
Third step is also done!!
Now we have to check whether the server is running or not for that we need the IP of the container. We can use ifconfig command but its not pre installed so we can install it.
If we dont know which software provides the ifconfig command then we can run yum whatprovides command
yum whatprovides ifconfig
We can install the net-tools software now
yum install net-tools -y
now by writing the ifconfig command we can find the IP address
In my case my IP is
Now finally we can browse,
That’s all!! :)
B. Setting up Python Interpreter and running Python Code on Docker Container
For completing this task we will run a container, I’m giving the name : py_test to the container, you can give any name, and the image which we downloaded which is centos:latest
docker run -it --name py_test centos:latest
After running this command it will get us to the docker container
Also, from the RHEL if we run docker ps command now, then it will show one container is running with the name py_test
Now, for setting up Python Interpreter, we can install the python3
yum install python3 -y
We can check and confirm whether python3 is installed or not
python3 --version
Now, for running a Python code here we will create a python file named test.py
vi test.py
we can display using cat command
now we will run the python code
python3 test.py
And its done!!
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That’s all
I hope it might help you!
Thank-you! :)